Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Path Planning Approach for Autonomous Lane Change Manoeuvre
Paulius Skačkauskas , Mykola Karpenko , Olegas Prentkovskis |
Department of Mobile Machinery and Railway Transport, Faculty of Transport Engineering , Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Autonomous vehicles are currently on their way and they have already started to gradually alter the fundamentals of the
entire transport system. However, while in relatively near future, seeking to use their full potential during various urban
traffi c scenarios, further developments must be done in such fi elds as the sensing and perception, path planning and control.
This research work focuses on the path planning problems and proposes a novel hybrid path planning approach, specifi cally
designed for an important and complex urban scenario—the lane change manoeuvre. The proposed hybrid path planner
consists of two classical path planning approaches: the Bézier curves approach, which served as a primary planner, and the
rapidly exploring random trees approach, which was used as a supplementary planner. The entire development process of the
hybrid path planner is described systematically and in detail. To verify the effi ciency of the proposed hybrid path planner,
experimental test drives, while using an autonomous research vehicle, were performed. The experimental results indicated
that the real-time performance of the proposed hybrid path planning approach is eff ective and reliable. The path generated
by the proposed hybrid approach is feasible, continuous, and can be executed by the autonomous vehicle. |
Key Words:
Autonomous driving · Path planning · Hybrid · Lane change · Bézier curve · Rapidly exploring random trees