Dynamic Fatigue Reliability Prediction Approach of Fuel Cell Vehicle Based on Usage Scenario
Zhenyu Nie , Rongliang Liang , Zhen Wu , Ting Guo , Xiaohui Zhang |
China Automotive Technology & Research Center Co., Ltd |
Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are an important direction for sustainable development of the automobile industry in the future.
Still, the reliability and durability of FCVs are key technical problems aff ecting marketization. This study focused on fatigue
reliability of FCVs under complex driving conditions. A dynamic analysis approach for fatigue reliability is proposed based
on a dynamic Bayesian network and fracture mechanics (DBN-FM). According to the load spectrum data collected by an FCV
on typical roads, a DBN model for the fatigue reliability of an FCV was established considering the randomness of variables
in crack propagation. The practical application of the developed model is demonstrated through a case study. The results
show that the DBN-FM approach can be used to predict the failure probability of FCVs under diff erent driving distances. In
addition, the weak parts of the FCV were identifi ed, which provided theoretical guidance for its inspection and maintenance. |
Key Words:
Fuel cell vehicle · Dynamic Bayesian network · Crack propagation · Reliability · Failure probability prediction