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International Journal of Automotive Technology > Volume 25(5); 2024 > Article
International Journal of Automotive Technology 2024;25(5): 1147-1158.
Calculation and Correction Method of Dynamic Tire Loads in Accelerating and Braking Conditions
Hongnan Wang 1, Bao Zhang 1,2, Nengfeng Xie 1, Rui Zhou 3
1College of Urban Transportation and Logistics , Shenzhen Technology University
2Naveco Automobile Co., Ltd
3College of Computer , Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
PDF Links Corresponding Author.  Hongnan Wang  , Email.
Accelerating performance and braking performance are the core performance of a vehicle, and tire load analysis is a prerequisite for performance studying. A calculation and correction method of dynamic tire loads is proposed in this paper. First, the numerical and experimental models of tire dynamic load identification are established, by measuring the acceleration signals at different positions of the steering knuckle arm, the tire deformation in three directions is inversely calculated. Second, the longitudinal force, lateral force and vertical force of the tire are estimated according to the tire stiffness and deformation. Finally, the tire loads are corrected by data filtering and tire stiffness adjustment. The results show that the average agreement between the calculated load and the test load is more than 90%. The calculation and correction method can provide a theoretical basis and reference for analyzing the dynamic change characteristics of tire load.
Key Words: Fire load, Calculation, Correction method, Dynamic identification

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