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International Journal of Automotive Technology > Volume 1(2); 2000 > Article
International Journal of Automotive Technology 2000;1(2): 95-100.
B. J. RHO, S. G. LEE, B. C. JOO, K. C. KIM
Chonbuk National University
The droplet diameters and the turbulent characteristics of a counterflowing internal mixing pneumatic nozzle was mainly focused. The measurements were made using a Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer under the different air pressures. The nozzle with tangential-drilled holes at an angle of 30 to the central axis has been designed. The spatial distributions of velocities, fluctuating velocities, fluctuating velocities, droplet diameters and SMD were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. The results indicated that the stronger axial momentum caused the less dispersion radially, and that axial fluctuating velocities were substantially higher than the radial and the tangential ones. This implies that the disintegration process is enhanced with the higher air pressure. The larger droplets were detected near the spray centerline at the upstream while the smaller ones were generated at the downstream. This was attributed to the lower rates of spherical particles which were not subject to instantaneous breakup. However, substantial increase in SMD from the central part toward spray periphery were predictable in downstream regions.
Key Words: ALR 9air to Liquid Mass Flow Ration), PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) SMD (Sauter Mean Diameter), Two-phase atomizer, Atomization and counter-swirling pneumatic nozzle

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